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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Most Likely To:

I was destined to pick up the book Most Talkative: Stories from the Front lines of Pop Culture by Andy Cohen.  When I began working in libraries over 2 decades ago, one of my friends said, “ but YOU can’t work in a library!  You talk too much.” 
Our author Cohen definitely talks.  From an early age, he struggled to fit into his family. His mom’s advice was “just humor your dad and go toss the damn ball!”  But it was television that he loved, especially soap operas and Charlie’s Angels.  His passion for all things television led him to a career working as a producer and creating shows.   
I’m not going to pretend to be a big fan of television, but I did get a kick out of the author’s insider—if irreverent-- views of popular shows.  He got his first big break when he clinched an interview with his all-time favorite TV  personality, the much-married Erica Kane.  In relating his lunch experience with his idol Susan Lucci  he said,  “I imagined little cartoon birds fluttering down to pick up the hem of her mink coat so it didn’t drag on the ground.”
The book rambles around discussing “shirtless Tuesdays” on the set of 48 hours and slogans of “I love Botox” from the stars of The  Real Housewives Of Orange County. By the closing chapters, the reader happily buys into Cohen’s statement when speaking of his  internship at Morning News—“unlike five o’clock Julie, I couldn’t  get enough of the place.  I would have happily lived out of a sleeping bag in the mailroom.”   
He would have, and added another chapter to the book.

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