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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

I was so prepared to hate this book.
Hate, hate, HATE,  because I was ready for it to say all the things that are wrong with women and society—fixations on our body, looks, etc. selling our soul to the devil to be a size zero.  I HATE THIS BOOK! I HATE IT!” I screamed inwardly as I carried it to the checkout desk. Ahem, and I was checking it out, why????

And so began my fickle relationship with the book Six weeks to OMG—get skinnier than all your friends by Venice A. Fulton
I opened the book and within 30 minutes I was being sucked into it like a sweet vanilla milkshake through a red straw.
I was surprised. Mesmerized. The text was easily, effortless whipped-cream readable and entertaining.
It was also chock full of  easy to remember cues on how to conquer your weight issues, for example: POM=Period of Movement with entire sections devoted to “how to use your pom poms.”  Delicious!

And, because I AM human, since his philosophy AGREES with things I already hold to be true, perhaps he is NOT the devil!  “Quick fixes don’t work, but the right quick improvements can lead to permanent weight loss.  No one is born fat, or destined to have cellulite,” so promises the author. Quick fixes—well 6 weeks is pretty quick if you ask me.
Whether it’s discussing  the difference in eating a banana with green spots and one with Leopard spots or how to START acting like a hottie, the topic is mouth-smacking tasty.  

Who is this guy anyway?  He’s an expert in nutrititon and exercise physiology who has dedicated himself to helping his high profile clientele keep their bodies fit and healthy.  OK, so he’s not God so I’m sure he doesn’t know everything, But this is a  pretty good  read.
And because he was so blunt , I actually LIKED HIM:
Drugs? No.
Complicated diets? No.
Anorexia? No.
Throwing up? No.
Exercising 20 hours a day? No.

By the time I read the mouth-watering  section The Truth About Cellulite Cures,” I was hooked.  By the way, here’s the spoiler, according to Mr. Fulton :  cellulite cures don’t work.

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