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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

No Peeking in the Neighbor's Windows!!

When I was in high school, our social science instructor
informed us that “someday, a mental health check up will be as common as a
physical health check up.”
Sadly, that has not come to pass. I’m saying sadly because all my friends and most of my family
could benefit from some therapy, and you can include me in that list,
too. Then again, who wants to be “normal”?????
In Shrink Rap by Robert Parker, our
Detective Sunny finds herself working for stunning romance novelist Melanie Joan Hall.
Sunny is doing her darndest to
protect Melanie, who is being stalked by her ex-husband, who is, coincidentally also Melanie’s ex psychiatrist.
Sunny being the go-getter that she is decides to go undercover—as it were—and seek
therapy from the ex husband/psychiatrist—while also best-friending her own
You can bet that our Sunny girl is going to discover some
things about herself that perhaps she didn’t want to know.
Our author is such a tease. Will
Sunny wind up dead? Will the psychiatrist wind up on the couch with
Sunny? Is Melanie really an innocent victim or a fiend in disguise?
The short chapters pack plenty of intrigue to
keep you reading till you discover all the answers in this clever little story.

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