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Monday, January 16, 2012

Save me the piece with the most Icing!

First, I want to say that I think what you read is no one’s business but yours, meaning, no one should judge you if you choose to read only westerns, or only graphic novels, or only Harlequin romances. We read for different reasons. I might read a text book to pass an exam, a book on carpentry to complete a project, or a mystery for entertainment. Or perhaps I’ll read something that’s pretty much totally fluff. It’s like frosting on the cake, or gravy on the mashed potatoes. You don’t have to have it, but every once in a while, it’s good to treat yourself.
And with that disclaimer I confess to reading Susan Phillips’ Natural Born Charmer. Pure chick-lit. Some shocking (well at least to me) language, and some sex thrown in for good measure. The book has some fun characters, my two favorites being Blue, the feisty, unlikely heroine of the tale, and Riley, a young 12 year old who has recently lost her Mom. The author also throws in a dash of small town shenanigans, just to keep things interesting. This book will never be on any English teacher’s required reading list.

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