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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

When I was a child, my Grandma would wash my mouth out with soap if she even thought I had said something naughty. I can only imagine what she'd do if she saw what I was currently reading.

Tina Fey's Bossypants--once you tiptoe around the politics--and hurdle over the language-- is just plain ole funny. I picked it up because I wanted something different--something distracting from the present suffocating level of stress that has been my world of late. Well, it certainly distracted me--I almost spewed oatmeal out of my mouth at the breakfast table upon opening it.

I chose this volume as a means of escape, and it certainly transported me to another world. Tina manages to blurt out things that most of us would never admit to even thinking. This is the story of Tina before she was Sarah Palin, before Saturday Night Live, before her hilarious breastfeeding misadventures, before her disastrous honeymoon. She is irreverent, sacralegious, and filthy-mouthed--and just maybe more everywoman than I would care to admit. Disclaimer: DO NOT READ THE LAST 30 PAGES!

Was the level of obscenity in the book necessary? I hear this discussed from time to time. Someone will say, "that movie could have been just as good without all that violence," or, "there was no need for all that sex in that book--it would have been just as good without it." How can one judge? This is Tina's story. Not mine. I suppose she included what she deemed authentic in her world. And I could never judge. After all, I do remember the taste of Grandma's soap....

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